JET SUMMER 3V3 SUPER LEAGUE - U10, U12, & U14/16
JULY 7TH - AUGUST 17TH, 2025
Join us for our annual summer 3v3 league where you can enter your own full team or try to join the league as a free agent. We suggest signing up as a full team for the better likely hood of having a spot in our unique experience of 3v3 hockey. After our very successful inaugural season we are expanding to 2 Tiers to better accommodate different experience levels.
There is no better way to improve hockey iq, offensive & defensive skills and game situation training than playing small area games. Add the competitive element, the empowerment of players running their team (we supply bench monitoring) this is a great way for a passionate player to become a better player and teammate.
Why Play 3-on-3?
More time with the puck
Faster pace
Improved hockey iq
Enhanced scoring opportunities
Defensive skill development
Fun and competitive environment
JET Hockey is the training facility for many top Junior, College and Pro prospects. It is all about development!
To Register please email Ben Eager at info@jethockeyarena.com
How to register your team:
Email Ben with the subject line “3v3 registration”
We will need the division you are signing up for (age , Tier 1 or Tier 2 )
List of players on your team (ROSTER)
Team Name (Can be changed before season)
We will then take care of the rest, and you can find the game schedule and standings on our website
Teams consist of 7-9 skaters and 1 goalie
We suggest submitting your own team
Free Agents:
If you are looking for a team to join you can register as a free agent. We will work to either find a team or create a team if possible (no guaranty)
To register as a free agent please email Ben with the subject line “3v3 Free Agent” and provide what division you are looking to find a team.
U10 (2015/2016 born players)
U12, (2013/2014 born players)
Tiers - 4-6 teams per Tier
· Tier 1 - Central States and above
· Tier 2 - AA and Advanced House
Season Length
6 weeks
July 7th - August 17th, 2025
U10 games start Sun. July 13th, 2025
U12 Tier 1 games start Monday July 7th, 2025
U12 Tier 2 games start Tuesday July 8th, 2025
U14/16 Tier 1 games start Wednesday July 9th, 2025
U14/16 Tier 2 games start Wednesday July 10th, 2025
Team- $2,495 ($249.50 a player for a team of 10 players)
Free Agent- $295
Early Bird special $2,195 by April 1st, 2025
Secure a spot asap with a $500 deposit
Includes 6 games and a jersey
Championship trophy
General League Info
6 games guaranteed
games will be three 15-minute periods.
Each period will be worth 1 point in the standings, allowing teams to earn up to 3 points per game. Ties in a period will lead to half a point awarded for each team.
Each period will reset to 0-0
If a 5 goal deficit in any period, losing team adds a player until deficit is under 5
Each team gets one time out
penalties called will be a penalty shot rewarded
playoff format dependent on number of teams in league and will be communicated
Overtime only in playoffs
Schedule Info
U10 - Tier 1 &2 all games on Sundays - July 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17
Game times 9:00am - 4:30pm
U12 - Tier 1 all games on Mondays - July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4, 11
Game times 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:45pm.
U12 - Tier 2 all games on Tuesdays - - July 8, 15, 22, 29, August 5, 12
Game times 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:45pm.
U14 - Tier 1 all games on Wednesdays - July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 6, 13
Game times 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:45pm.
U14 - Tier 2 all games on Thursdays - July 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7, 14
Game times 5:15pm, 6:30pm, 7:45pm.